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Customers' requirement is just our responsibility. For import business, clearance capability and cargo delivery efficiency is critical. Our staff in Import Department enjoy both rich experience and strong awareness of responsibility. By keeping an eye on the current and changeable regulations, we can provide customers with concerned information and reasonable suggestion, so as to reduce the cost and enhance the clearance efficiency. Under the support of our  Foreign Trade, Storage & Haulage Deparment, we can give our customers all-round services along with competitive rates and on-time cargo pick-up service.

ADD:Room 606, 6th Floor, No. 333 Jiujiang Road, Shanghai, China.TEL:86-021-63390206 Website:www.jinghai.cn Mail:info@jinghai.cn
Copyright ⓒ 2009 JINGHAI TRANSPORT CO., LTD. All rights reserved.