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We have a long time of experienced operation and professional service upon consolidation service. We gather cargoes from different shippers into one container and unstuff it after the container arrives at destination, and finally deliver the cargoes to different consignees. After the experienced operation, the seeming complex procedure can be simplified to nothing complicated at all. After day by day exploring and tracing of cargo resources, we are able to make regular consol boxes to various destinations. We have at least two schedules every week to basic ports of Europe and Mediterranean, and at least one to basic ports of other areas.

ADD:Room H,15F,No.398-400 Hankou Road,Shanghai,China TEL:86-021-63390206 Website:www.jinghai.cn Mail:info@jinghai.cn
Copyright ⓒ 2009 JINGHAI TRANSPORT CO., LTD. All rights reserved.